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2 Kiel Avenue, Unit #275
Kinnelon, New Jersey 07405
Ph:  973-838-4006



Services Provided by Mountain View Author’s Services

Mountain View Author's Services provides authors with the most requested services.

Which type of author are you?

  • An author who doesn't know where to start to get their book published?
  • An author who has an idea of what to do but is overwhelmed by the thought of it?
  • An author who knows what to do but doesn't have the time, or the inclination, to do the administrative work to get their book published and marketed?

No matter where you are in your book project, Mountain View Author's Services provides the help you need. Listed below are the services most often requested by authors. If you would like more information about any of these, or you do not see what you are looking for, please contact us so we can discuss your needs in more detail.


The writing process is made easier with a virtual author's assistant.
  • Inventory and organize the author’s source documents.
  • Fact check information in the book.
  • Obtain permissions to use quotes and interviews, etc.
  • Coordinate professional peer and target reader reviews.
  • Research potential publishers and submit a book proposal.
  • Do a competitive analysis for the book proposal.
  • Prepare the manuscript to submit to the book designer, printer, or publisher.

Have a virtual author's assistant help publish your book.


  • Coordinate the self-publishing process.
  • Coordinate testimonial requests and endorsements.
  • Organize the process to create the book cover.
  • Get the ISBN and bar code for the book.
  • Prepare the information to create the book interior.
  • Handle the proof copy from the printer.
  • Get the book printed or prepare an eBook.
  • Get retail distribution and sell to bookstores.
  • Register the copyright.


Market your book with the help of a virtual author's assistant.
  • Coordinate book marketing activities.
  • Coordinate development of the author's web site.
  • Gather the appropriate information for the author's media kit.
  • Get listed and maximize the book's Amazon web page.
  • Launch an Amazon bestseller campaign.
  • Create a virtual book tour.
  • Organize a live book event.
  • Enter book awards competitions.

We also provide proofreading and copyediting services. For a list of additional services offered, please check out our other website at www.mountainviewofcsvs.com